These exams are pretty much important in every students life as they are considered as future deciding exams i..e., In which Field or line students will go in there future is decided by these final exams of board class students.
Examination time is a very stressful time not just for the children but also for the parents who are required to motivate their children to give their best while making sure they are not over-burdening them with unrealistic expectations.
Suggestions And Tips For Board Class Student
Eat healthy, drink healthy, sleep healthy, think healthy and stay healthy - this is the most important mantra for not only a good score in the board exams but also for the overall success in life. Board exams are like any other exams. The best way to achieve success is to be calm, freshen up your mind, and plan a preparation schedule, revise and stop worrying.
Examination time is a very stressful time not just for the children but also for the parents who are required to motivate their children to give their best while making sure they are not over-burdening them with unrealistic expectations.
Suggestions And Tips For Board Class Student
- Just don’t be nervous for this precious time, believe in you and be confident . Every student should be confident and stops thinking about these worthless question It will just reduce your confidence neither it will benefit you in any way.
- Students must avoid social websites with just few days left in your final exams. Social sites now will you distract you from your reading and study.
- As a part of you exam preparation planning, set a time-table all by yourself or take the help of your parents or friends who are reliable and try to strictly follow it at least till your exams are over.
- Developing healthy eating habits is very important for overall health condition of the body and particularly during the exam time. Hence try to avoid eating fast foods, junk foods and consuming carbonated soft drinks as far as possible.
- Avoid using phone calls or mobiles.
- Another thing to keep in mind while preparing for the exams is that do not make too much comforts in your room like a small LED TV on the wall, ear buds plugged into your ears to listen to your favourite music in your i pods, smartphones and the like which are sure to distort your mind from studies and you fail to concentrate on studies.
- Try to take small intermittent breaks of 15-20 minutes after every 1-2 hours of studying. And when you take a break completely forget about your studies and go outdoors for a stroll to enjoy the nature and the fresh breeze of air as this would be of real help to get yourself refreshed and recharged.
Eat healthy, drink healthy, sleep healthy, think healthy and stay healthy - this is the most important mantra for not only a good score in the board exams but also for the overall success in life. Board exams are like any other exams. The best way to achieve success is to be calm, freshen up your mind, and plan a preparation schedule, revise and stop worrying.
Best of Luck all Students for Exams from Amrut school